Monday, April 25, 2005

Slowly But Slowly

Thanks for posting the update Steve.

The answer to your question is YES we were insane to write this piece.

The Oedipus cast party and the Ice House play were both wonderful and made us feel like something was happening...

And with the 'slowness' that we are now experiencing will come the inevitable whirlwind of activity which I'm sure will keep our heads spinning. The calm before the proverbial storm.

The current slowness is waiting on a response from a possible director. We don't want to give the wrong impression that the director search is not in motion, that someone is not doing their job, or that nothing is happening there. It's the inevitable having to WAIT for someone to give you an answer when you want to know RIGHT NOW yay or nay so we can move on to the next thing on the list.

We are refraining from giving specific details on this because we don't want whoever it turns out to be (and/or whoever reads this blog) to feel like we are settling for a 3rd or 4th choice or to speculate and ponder why we asked who we asked in what order. It is what it is -- it's interesting to note our potential director list actually consists of several #1 dream candidates. And we are at the moment in the process of exploring those possibilities. And we are really hoping to be able to stick to our self-imposed deadline of April 30th to have someone locked in.

But I will say I was a little proud of myself for seizing the opportunity to crash this party for pleasure AND the ulterior motive of getting a little business done.

The Revolution is Temporarily on HOLD

We will return you to the regularly scheduled program as soon as humanly possible.

Note any frustration in my voice?

Well, April is inching to a close and we do not have a director just yet.

We did get to go to the Oedipus cast party (which we crashed) and talk up several actors we would like to audition for whomever the director may be. Oh, the plotting, the scheming…it’s so shameful; that part of “show business” which is all “business.” David’s better at this part, as he absolutely flourishes in the public eye. Blossoms and flowers in a flamboyant show of light and color whenever he has an audience, our David does. I just sit back and judge, really.

Hey, each team member has their roles.

Speaking of roles - Michael, Chuck and I met for another pre-production meeting. The budget projection is approved, and we have permission to get Cathy Thompson involved as a graphics designer. So I guess it isn't a total tire-screeching halt we're experiencing, just a slow-down for construction.

David and I have recently seen a slew of good theatre here in town with lots of inspiring actors.

We have seen Moon For The Misbegotten, Everyman, Oedipus, Western Civilization, Sweet Bird of Youth, Ladies of Eola Heights, Love/Now, and just last night the absolutely wonderful Three Days Of Rain at The Ice House Theatre in Mount Dora.

Anyway, we could almost cast our entire play from the actors who made up these shows. (Sadly, there are eight shows listed above – plus David saw Hay Fever alone – and there’s still one or two roles I could think of that we would need more people to audition for…)

Sheesh, are we insane for writing a 13 person play?!?!?!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Director On Board?

We are working diligently to lock in a director... hopefully something will materialize soon... cross everything!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Michael is on Board!

We had our meeting Monday night with the PRT board (John Goring, Dave Womble, and our producer extraordinaire Chuck Dent). Michael Slaymaker showed up and agreed to do ads and marketing! YAY!!!

David was late...he was doing something stupid and pointless, "working out" I think it's called...

Anyway, Michael is one of those poeple who has the gift of grabbing people by their ankles, shaking the money out of them, and then having them ask him when he's coming back for more as he gathers up his largesse. He has been an integral part of David and my past productions, and I am feeling all warm and fuzzy that he's involved in this one!

David, sign him up to the blog!