Monday, April 25, 2005

The Revolution is Temporarily on HOLD

We will return you to the regularly scheduled program as soon as humanly possible.

Note any frustration in my voice?

Well, April is inching to a close and we do not have a director just yet.

We did get to go to the Oedipus cast party (which we crashed) and talk up several actors we would like to audition for whomever the director may be. Oh, the plotting, the scheming…it’s so shameful; that part of “show business” which is all “business.” David’s better at this part, as he absolutely flourishes in the public eye. Blossoms and flowers in a flamboyant show of light and color whenever he has an audience, our David does. I just sit back and judge, really.

Hey, each team member has their roles.

Speaking of roles - Michael, Chuck and I met for another pre-production meeting. The budget projection is approved, and we have permission to get Cathy Thompson involved as a graphics designer. So I guess it isn't a total tire-screeching halt we're experiencing, just a slow-down for construction.

David and I have recently seen a slew of good theatre here in town with lots of inspiring actors.

We have seen Moon For The Misbegotten, Everyman, Oedipus, Western Civilization, Sweet Bird of Youth, Ladies of Eola Heights, Love/Now, and just last night the absolutely wonderful Three Days Of Rain at The Ice House Theatre in Mount Dora.

Anyway, we could almost cast our entire play from the actors who made up these shows. (Sadly, there are eight shows listed above – plus David saw Hay Fever alone – and there’s still one or two roles I could think of that we would need more people to audition for…)

Sheesh, are we insane for writing a 13 person play?!?!?!


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