Monday, March 07, 2005

It's official! Sort of.

Just got word from John Goring by way of producer Chuck Dent that John DiDonna has told him that it looks like it is most definitely almost set that we will most likely be able to move the show dates to the middle two weekends in August. John D has to work out some details with another group, (I think it's the Jester Theatre Co.) but it should be manageable.

But they are not advertising it or making it public yet because it's not 100%. (So this is different from where we were earlier today how?)

Nonetheless, I am encouraged and feel that this is going to land as we want it to. And it is a good thing that, in spite of the continued lack of definiteness, Chuck has been keeping us in the loop and giving us updates. Things could be a lot worse.

So, the next step is that Chuck, Steve, and I will be having a meeting to brainstorm and start our list of potential directors and actors, plus secure a space for auditions.


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