Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Developments (and Lack Thereof)

A little birdy told me it looks good that the show dates will be able to be postponed until August. Keep the faith!

Julie Gagne of Valencia Community College's Theatre Department mentioned to me that she has some ideas for edits that we can make. I will be contacting her to get her input. I hope she doesn't suggest we cut the albino Albanian who eats poi on a pogo stick...

We are starting to drum up some interest in the play among our theatrical friends. Over the last several weeks, I have sent copies of the script to Matty MacDermid, Jeff Lindberg, Josh Geoghagan, Marcie Shwalm, Ashland Thomas, Kurt Jenkins, and others. Response so far has been very positive. We figure it couldn't hurt to plant some seeds casting-wise in hopes that our director - whoever s/he is - will sow and nurture them.

I am through with my commitment to Into The Woods at Valencia, so I am looking forward to several weeks (hopefully months?) of rest before we have to jump into pre-production of SOTR.

Also, I had a realization re-reading my previous blog in which I talked about how we conceived the play together, Steve birthed the play alone, and we have raised it together -- that makes him the "mother" and me the "father" of this play. Cause when you think maternal, you think Steve. And when you think of male role model, you think of me. Oy.

That's all fer now!


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