Monday, May 23, 2005


Steve and I have both been seeing a lot of Fringe shows this weekend. Shrewd little entrepreneurs that we are, we actually knew that scheduling SOTR post-Fringe would create a plethora of opportunities for us during Fringe itself:

TALENT SCOUTING: We have already found at least 2 new actors whom we would love to have read at the auditions.

ARTISTIC STAFF: As we waited in line to see The Miss Sammy Show, we made the acquaintance of Marcie Singhaus, sister-in-law to Miss Sammy and costumer to the stars. (She used to own and run Costumes Unlimited over by the old Mark Two.) So, just for fun, I said, "Hey, how would like to costume a drama about violence in American society spanning over 200 years all the way back to the Revolutionary War?" Her immediate reply, "You're going to need a heckuva budget for that." (Don't you love people who just tell it like it is?) She said, "Send me a script, I'll take a look at it." I honestly don't imagine we could afford her, though we would get amazing things from her. I forgot to mention this to Chuck, but I know he has some other folks who might be more in our price range. I also mentioned the show to my costumer friend and former Sleuths-mate Kate Singleton as she whizzed past me to catch a show. We need to nail some of this stuff down, but at the same time Chuck is deeply involved in Welcome To The Family! for PRT, and Chad is a maniac producing both Eye Candy and Pie-Face! The Adventures Of Anita Bryant. They're a little - preoccupied, so we're not attacking them on this stuff just yet. (Though, to his credit, Chuck has actually been working on securing a location for auditions and has been sending a round of emails to ask about costumers. You go boy.)

When we ran into Tom Mangieri he introduced us to a friend of his by saying, "These are my friends David and Steve. They have written an amazing play and I'm doing their set." WOO HOO! (Now the question is can we afford HIM?)

TALKING IT UP: It has been very nice and complimentary that so many people approach us with, "Are you guys doing something this year?" Each time that is asked, it is music to my ears because that means Utmost Productions made our mark these last two years. And that is a wide-open opportunity for us to reply, "No, but we have this great drama being produced in August..." Throw in a "Chad Lewis is directing," and you always get one of those raised-eyebrows-that's-impressive nods. Yay!

Any and all of the actors on our wish list that we ran into were reminded that auditions will be the second week in June (Todd Feren, Michael Colavolpe, and Nikki Darden come to mind).
Other buzz that was buzzing...

We went to say to hi to David Lee who kiddingly pulled us aside and said, "We need to talk about this director you've hired..."

John DiDonna came up and hugged me from behind and said, "Who did you get to direct your show?"

So, we're just out there doing what people in show business do: whoring ourselves and becoming well-oiled duplicitious creatures of self-promotion.

And isn't that what the Fringe is all about?

A closing thought from Dave McConnell's InterActions: "Some people say, 'There's no business like show business.' I'm all, 'Okay, and there's no surgery like ass surgery, WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?'"


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